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First time on the Flightdeck

Posted on Fri Jul 12th, 2019 @ 6:58pm by Lieutenant Jack Carver & Captain Abigail Laurens

Mission: War and Peacekeeping
Location: USS Astraea

The bridge was well into second watch by the time Abigail had left her Ready Room, noting the sense of calm that had descended over the ship compared to the chaos earlier as they had departed, the last minute scramble of checks and clearances.

Stepping into the turbolift, she gave her destination as being deck two. It was late enough that she could just return to her quarters, have something quick to eat and then maybe open a bottle of wine before going through some more outstanding paperwork.

As the doors closed, a sudden smile crossed her face. "Computer, belay that order. Please take me to deck ten."

Ichiko had seemed genuinely excited to hear that they had taken fighters on, it made Abigail even more interested in seeing what all the fuss was about, and at least at this time of the day she was less likely to be in anyone's way of she went to have a little look around.

It was quiet on the through-deck hangar, only a few people still going about their business. The entire length of the hangar was in use, on both sides, leaving a sizable runway down the middle empty for landing and take-off maneuvers. The ship's shuttles were lined up on either side of the hangar towards the rear, parked in echelon.

The ship's four Type 9 and two Type 11 shuttles off to one side, and a more eclectic collection on the other side, consisting of the ship's runabouts, including a few classic, dependable Danube class runabouts and a Delta Flyer. Ahead of the runabouts was the ship's complement of transports. Bulkier ships, with space for troops inside. Five in total, of different classes, for different purposes.

And ahead of the transports, towards the front of the ship, six sharply angular, small craft. Basically cockpits strapped between twin nacelles, with minimal concessions to other systems, apart from some basic weapons. The six Razor class interceptors, looking fast even sitting still.

But the majority of the hangar space was dedicated to the six Gryphon multirole fighters. Sleek machines, only slightly smaller than a runabout, streamlined for atmospheric operation, with slightly down-angled wings protruding from slender and powerfully built fuselages holding two-man cockpits.

Behind each Gryphon, lining the wall, as a multitude of support equipment, all in easy access pods. Additional sensory equipment, sensor dampening pods, search and rescue pods, and a variety of heavy weapons of all kinds.

Among the few people milling about, doing checks, conferring with each other and generally being busy was one familiar face. Lieutenant Carver, going over each Gryphon's support equipment with a checklist, double checking everything was in order.

Walking through the hangar, Abigail had been enjoying actually just looking at the fighters. Their smaller size and sleek designs were definitely appealing, she could see why their pilots were so drawn to their crafts.

Walking around one of the craft, Abigail paused, her gaze falling on Jack, the sight of him bringing a smile to her face. "I should have known you'd be down here," she said lightly. "Don't you ever sleep?"

"Oh hey Abigail. Welcome to my domain." he smiled, lowering his PADD. "I was gonna turn in after this check. Just some final inventorying." he said, stifling a yawn and looking rather tired. "What can I do for you?" he asked, heading over.

"Oh, I'm just here taking a peek," she replied with a shrug. "I mentioned to Commander Gail earlier about the fighters coming on board, she seemed genuinely excited so I thought I'd come down and see what all the fuss is about."

"Well, I hope they don't disappoint." Jack said with a smile. "Over there are the six Razor interceptors of 72nd interceptor squadron, Wraith Wing. Small, fast, agile. And over here are the six Gryphons of 16th heavy fighter squadron, Revenant Wing. Heavy fighters, with optional equipment for a variety of missions. Brand new, came out of R&D last year, they're still rolling them out."

"They're impressive," Abigail said with a smile. "So which one's No Mercy?" There was genuine curiosity in her voice when she asked, it was clear she had taken a real interest in the fighters.

"Up front, over here." Jack smiled, motioning towards his ship. The words 'No Mercy' were written in black calligraphy on the white of the right wing. "She'll do warp four. And a half, in emergency."

Reaching out, Abigail traced her fingertips across the writing on the wing and smiled. "You know, I think I see the attraction," she said with an easy smile. "Sleek, beautiful, fast... no doubt aggressive when she needs to be."

"No Mercy represents ... Freedom, to me. The ability to point at where I want to go and just - ... Fly there." Jack mused quietly, looking over his ship with a soft smile, a smile that carried over when he turned his attention to Abigail. "Nothing has ever come closer to the feeling of absolute freedom than flying a fighter. It's a feeling I wish everyone could experience at least once."

"I'll have to take your word for it," Abigail said with a laugh. "Just between you and I? I actually almost failed basic piloting at the Academy. Pretty sure the only reason I didn't was because the instructor ended up feeling sorry for me and let me through, and having come up through security, I was much more a phasers and rifles for freedom kind of girl," She grinned as she looked at him.

"I'm the epitome of mediocrity with small arms" Jack laughed, shaking his head. "Why'd you pick security?"

"Honestly, I don't know. It was kind of an 'eenie meenie miney moe' thing when I did my application?" She laughed and shook her head. "It appealed to me more than any of the other options at the time."

"Are you a go-with-the-flow kind of girl?" he asked. "From what I've heard so far you seem like the kind of person to pick a direction on a whim and see where it takes you. Adventurous."

She nodded slowly. "Sometimes a bit too adventurous," she said with a laugh. "Life is too short, nothing is ever guaranteed, no matter what you do, so you should embrace what ever brings you happiness today. Tomorrow it might be gone."

Jack's smile turned softer, spreading to his eyes. "Yeah, no kidding." he then considered a moment, looking from Abigail up to No Mercy, then back to Abigail. "Say, how about when we get a few hours with nowhere to go, I take you out for a spin in my ship and try to show you that freedom I've been going on about?"

"You know, I think I'd like that," she replied with a smile. "But only if you're sure, I don't want to be in the way or anything."

"Well, it would have to be when the ship is holding somewhere guaranteed safe, for at least a few hours. You'd be in the weapons officer seat, but likely with weapons disabled." Jack mused. "But, no, you wouldn't be in the way. I'm always happy to take the ol' girl out for a ride."

"You know that's really not a very flattering way to speak about your commanding officer," Abigail replied with a smile. "If you've finished down here, do you want to join me for a drink?"

"I - ... Meant the - ... " he thumbed back at his fighter, giving Abigail a look, then chuckled. "Sure, I can go for a drink before turning in for the night. Just let me finish up here, ten minutes? Ish? You can stay and watch if you want."

"I'll tell you what, I need to go back by my quarters to grab something anyway, so how about you just meet me in the lounge when you're done?" Abigail replied. "That way I'm not under your feet. I can meet you there in ten or fifteen minutes?"

"Sounds good." Jack smiled. "See you in fifteen, in the lounge."


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