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In The Name of Vihara

Posted on Fri Apr 8th, 2022 @ 3:43pm by Captain Abigail Laurens

Mission: The Koldaran Encounter
Location: Captain's Ready Room

"Captain Laurens, we are receiving a priority one distress call, it's originating from an M class planet. The distress call is marked as restricted." The voice of Commander Gunnison came over the comms system.

Abigail leaned back in her seat, taking in a breath. "Put it through to my ready room," she responded, leaning forward to activate the console, waiting until the unfamiliar face appeared and the prerecorded message began to play.

Initially there was a few moments of garbled wordage before the universal translator picked up the dialect and started functioning as the message played over for the third time.

"I am Cleric Elder J'Rayal. In the name of Vihara I most humbly beg your assistance. Our people are under attack by unknown forces and we have no way to defend ourselves." The alien held their hands clasped in front of them as they spoke, the end of each sentence punctuated with a slight inclination of the head. "Ours are a peaceful people, we have no belief in weapons or warfare. Our people are being slaughtered."

Abigail's brow furrowed slightly and as the message continued to play she tilted her head to one side ever so slightly. Reaching up, she tapped her commbadge lightly. "Commander Gunnison, triangulate the origin of the distress call. Run a long range scan of the planetary system and forward all sensor data directly to my ready room," she ordered.

"Understood Captain," came the response via the comms.

Turning her attention back to the console in front of her, Abigail listened to the message one last time before storing it and turning her attention to the communication once more before stopping it. Silence fell over the room, leaving Abigail sitting at her desk for a few moments contemplating before she reached up and tapped her commbadge again. "Commander Rogers, Commander Gail, Commander Valek please come to my ready room immediately."


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