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Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb [[ KEY POST ]]

Posted on Tue Jul 16th, 2019 @ 5:11pm by Captain Abigail Laurens & Lieutenant Aleksander Voroshilov

Mission: War and Peacekeeping
Location: USS Zendaya

=/\= USS ZENDAYA -/\=

The klaxon cut through the silence of the corridor, warning everyone evacuate the deck. The voice over cautioned about fire and toxic smoke, generally something that gets people moving. The only ones headed towards the danger were the men and women of the Engineering Corps, decked head to toe in hazmat suits. The first one in dropped to a knee next to a collapsed Bajoran, “Are you alright my friend?”

She coughed, more out of panic than any actual smoke, “I was in, I mean.”

The suited figure withdrew a portable oxygen mask, placing it against the woman’s mouth, “Just take slow breaths and focus on getting to that Jefferies Tube,” He pointed to a hatch about ten meters away, “And go up. What direction are you headed?”

“Up?” Her eyes tried to focus on the man who just nodded.

“Good, now get going!” Helping her up, he pushed her down the hall as he waved the other three members of his team to follow him. Rounding a corner, clear of any evacuees, Vicente removed his hood taking in a few deep breaths. He hated being contained in a suit, necessary unfortunately for this mission.

Running a hand through his hair, a smile appeared on his face, “It’s alright comrades! There is no smoke, at least not yet,” He ended with a loud laugh. In this chaos it would take the Federation hours to account for everyone. Their plan would take mere minutes. His eyes went to one of the suited members, “Do you have the virus ready?”

Taya removed the hood of her own suit, giving a curt nod as her hand slid into a small secured pocket, retrieving a red isolinear chip. She held it up, almost offering it to him, a smile dancing across her lips. "Of course I have it ready," she countered. "Who do you think you're dealing with? Some rank amateur? Some fleeter?" Her smile almost became a scowl as she withdrew the chip again, closing her hand around it before she tossed it to him easily. "Upload the virus and then burn out the console. The reroute of the bioneural systems will speed up the virus. The ship will be dead in the water within the hour."

"Excellent," Vicente ignored Taya's near insubordinate tone, they were too close to glory to let pettiness get in their way. Handing the chip off to one of the other members of the Trion Liberation Front, he smirked, "You will go with Ricardo to the main computer and help them. Myself and Evita will set the thermite on the senor array's primary conduit, that will drop them out of warp and keep them guessing to what happened to their precious ship."

Stepping back he looked at his collected revolutionaries, all hand picked to execute the most daring mission their caused called on them to perform, "Comrades, this is our moment. When we are home we will be free of the shackles of the Trion's so called Benevolent Government and their Federation enablers. For the freedom of our people!"

Without another word, Vicente darted towards the main sensor array, a type II loose in his hand. By now most of the deck would have been cleared of anyone who would get in their way, anyone who could identify them. Unlike most of his acts this he wanted to look like a freak accident, the mission was to bring them closer to the Government Officials that had tormented his people for so long. Bodies littering the ground wouldn't send the right message.

Waving Evita down the hall, he watched as she moved about fifteen meters, bag of explosives dangling on her side. They had ten minutes before the Ops team would wonder why the alarm had been triggered with no obvious problems. After that teams of engineers would start probing and this plan would go to shit. That is why he only picked the best to execute the plan, himself have done a stint with the Trion's militia in a combat engineer company, specialty being explosives.

After a few more bounding movements they found themselves in the superstructure of the main array. The original plan had called for an EVA walk with a few limpet mines on the main array, but was scrapped for being too obvious. Fortunately they found themselves on an Ambassador class cruiser, a ship easy enough to find schematics on, "Comrade Bolivar, take these charges and place them on the main power adapter."

The plan as it stood now was to burn through the power supply to the main sensors, which also oddly supplied any power to the communications array. How the Federation survived to this point was a mystery to him. Placing the charges down, careful to place them just so while still being mindful of the clock, he ran back to cover with Evita.

Once the power failed the ship would drop our of warp, unable to perform faster than light navigation. Nor would they be able to call for any help, at least not directly. He had to figure they were tracking each other, the ship he was on and the vessel carrying his foes. To ensure that nothing would interfere with the plan however there was the back up, a virus to overwhelm the heat dissipation for most of the major systems on board, excluding life support. The Federation may be insufferable, but they weren't his enemy. Turning on his comm he whispered, "Taya, are you in place?"

"Hurry up, before someone comes along," Taya hissed back, her hand resting lightly on the phaser she had secreted in the sleeve of her suit. The last thing she wanted was to be piling up dead bodies, but they would do what ever was necessary at this point to achieve success. "We need to get out of here."

"Just upload the virus," For a brief moment he lost his characteristic cool. Taya was passionate about the cause but hotheaded and dangerous, "Have faith."

Cutting the comm he nodded at Evita, who trigger the detonator. A series of small muted blasts preceded a fountain of white light, burning in temperatures well in excess of 2,200 Centigrade. The bomb used the casings as fuel, leaving no trace of the sabotage. The demo team escaped quickly before being choked out by the building smoke.

Bounding back to where the emergency suits had been piled, Vicente and Evita tossed the suits into the nearest incinerator. They had been commercially bought, knowing those sorts of things would be tracked and found. After disposing of the suits they climbed to the nearest Jefferies Tube, having memorized the Ambassador's internal schematics.

They didn't wait for Taya, she would have her own escape route back to her quarters. It was imperative they get to their assigned rooms as quickly as possible to avoid suspicion, they'd likely check in on the delegation sooner rather than later.

A sharp jarring took place, took quick for the internal dampeners to fully deal with, nearly sending Evita down a ladder chute. Vincente grabbed her leg, causing her to jerk forward and nearly lose her bag, "Are you alright Evita?" He shouted over the emergency klaxons.

After catching her breath, bag held tightly in her arms, she tore her eyes away from the abyss below her, "Yes Comrade Bolivar," Swinging the bag back over her shoulder she grabbed onto the ladder rung, fear still coursing through her, "We need to head up," Scrambling up she could see the light emanating from Vicente's room, having removed the panel prior to their escapade.

Slipping into the room silently, she looked around for any signs of change before waving her leader in. Quietly he followed, replacing the panel perfectly. Running a hand through his hair, a triumphant grin appeared on his face, "Well my lovely Señorita, phase two has just been accomplished."

Evita tossed the bag haphazardly on the couch, approaching the self-styled Generalísimo with a toothy grin, "And one step closer to those who would stand in the way of the revolution. We are an unstoppable tsunami," She put a hand on his chest, chuckling softly.

A chiming door drew their attention away from their moment. Quickly Vicente tossed off his fatigue style blouse as Evita darted to the bedroom. Approaching the door with a welcoming grin, a generous amount of sweat having been generated from the heat and action, he opened it to reveal two yellow suited security officers, "Gentleman and Lady. Maybe now I can get an answer to why I was thrown across the cabin?"

The woman holding the PADD looked away almost immediately, "We apologize sir, there seems to be a problem with our warp drive," Taking a breath she made eye contact with the VIP, "Just, just doing rounds to make sure everyone is accounted for. And we see that you're here so we'll be going now."

"Hold on one moment," Lazily the rebel looked over his shoulder, "Evita! These lovely people need to check you off their list. You mind showing yourself?"

Walking out in nothing but a shirt and underwear, a smile on her face. Moving to the door she waved at the two security officers, both now adverting their gaze, "Well, I'm here."

Setting a hand on his shoulder, Evita had a slightly pitying grin on her face, "Aww, look at the little cubs," Looking up at Vicente her looked turned devilish, "Can we take them in?"

A low chuckle emanated from his throat, "Not now la zorra, they have a job to keep us safe," Looking at the pair he smiled, "Of course if you'd like to come and discuss culture after you're off duty..."

"That's all sir," The male stammered as they shut his door, their faces flushed with embarrassment. The Trion pair laughed as they were left alone, having bought some time for their comrades but more importantly giving themselves an alibi.

Evita fell onto the couch, a smile on her face. Yes the plan was coming together and soon enough their world would step bravely into the arms of progress. She watched as Vicente walked passed her and towards the bathroom, "We'll need to clean up, once the Astraea finds out we're dead in the water they'll come to save us. We need to be as pretty as possible when they do."

Rolling her eyes, she went to the bag and started digging through it. A slow panic started as she realized something out of the bag was missing, something, "Are you joining me or not Zorra?" Shaking her head she chuckled, the device likely fell out when she tossed the bag on the couch. With a smile on her face she headed to the already steaming shower.


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