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Posted on Wed Dec 30th, 2020 @ 1:59pm by Lieutenant Commander Calvin Morgan & Lieutenant Mica Rue & Commander Ichiko Gail

Mission: Enforced Intermission
Location: ICS Tantamount - Primary Medical

Doctor Jeng returned to Rogers' bedside, though from his gait it seemed less of a check up on the progress, and more a new situaton. "Doctor Morgan? I don't suppose I could trouble you for a consult?" he began.

Calvin turned to face Doctor Jeng, standing up. He looked a little weary, having made rounds on many of the patients and having done several consults already. For all the Ts'usugi had in technological advancement, which Calvin deemed medically seemed slightly ahead of the Federation in several ways, it couldn’t make up for a general inexperience with the species that they were dealing with. And he attempted to bridge that however possible. “Please, what do you need?” He asked the fellow Doctor.

"There's a lieutenant on the Astraea crew we found in odd condition. It wasn't the radiation or the trauma of the evacuation that seems to be ailing her, but rather these..." he handed over a PaDD of Ts'usugi design, showing the medical scans of one Lieutenant Mica. Predominantly, her implants. "THey're neural inhibitors, best we can tell, but rather then blocking internal signals, they seem to be designed to shield from external stimuli. Current speculation is she's a receptive telepath, though we've only encountered instances like this in external journals and discussions."

"You might not know this, but the genotype for telepathic potential is actually not in the Ts'usugi genome. We've encountered so few cases like this. I wanted to call you in to assist, as you would have been her primary care back on the ship." he continued, leading Calvin to the primary medical bay. "We've had limited audible contact with the patient, and she mentioned external minds, hence her being moved out of the crowd." he paused, "From all we've gathered from exposure to outside races, Ts'usugi don't register on casual or low level telepathic efforts. Consider it medical isolation, in a room full of medical personnel." he assured.

Calvin raised his eyebrow once or twice through the information, watching the vitals intently after figuring out what he was looking at.

"These scans are live. As you can see, the implants are currently damaged. Our initial decision is to remove them. Though I wanted your opinion on the matter. More that she's your crewmate, you may know more about the function of these devices than we initially do."

“Yes, they were damaged prior to the incident. I consulted with her about it, but unfortunately the design is somewhat foreign to me as well. Let me,” Calvin paused as he grabbed his bag. “Grab this. Do you have a console we can work at? I will fill in the information I have with yours, and we can plan from there?”

Jeng lead Calvin over to a console in the medical bay. After signing on, he motioned to the panel, "Medical Admin access, please help yourself. The more we know, the more we find out, the more we can help her."

Nearby, Lt Rue stirred again. She peeled open her eyes, her trembling subsiding ever so slightly as she turned her head to the side. "Doctor..." she whispered, slow blinking against the image of the foreign medical staff and her own working together. Clenching her eyes shut for a moment, she shifted, rolling herself to the side. Although almost useless, she was able to hook her fingers over the edge of the bed, pulling herself closer to it.

Calvin watched as Mica shifted herself. He slowly began inputting information from the PaDD he retrieved from his bag, which was the sum total of all the medical information of *Astraea's* crew. "How do we speak with her while she's in there?" Calvin asked Jeng without looking up from the console.

Continuing her roll, Mica was almost off the bed when the nurse checked into the room, startled by the woman's movement and near-falling condition.

Jeng motioned to a button on the console. "Intercom. One touch to activate, and another to deactivate. While it's active there will be a display on her side that will let her see us." He advised. "We consider transparent communication with our patients very important."

“Understandable,” Calvin replied, activating the intercom. He waited a moment as the console activated the screen. He could see the subtle change in glow near Mica, his assumption the display on her side. “Lt Rue, It’s the Doc. You’re in good hands. We are going to figure something out for your implant problem. Looks like it got damaged or got tinkered with during the evacuation?”

Mica paused, swallowing several times to moisten her throat. “They shorted. Burned me. We shot them.”

“Alright, we’re going to help you get through this,” Calvin said before shutting off the intercom. “Doctor Jeng, this console here is all the previous information compiled into your data.” Calvin stopped to look some of it over himself. “Do you have engineering staff with biological interface experience or cybernetics? I have some theories, but I’m afraid at this point I might be out of my league too,”

Jeng gave a nod, "I have a minor in cybernetic installation. I've done a few Life to Line installations in my career, but it's something that doesn't happen often. I'd say our priority is removing the existing damaged hardware, then we can conjecture about whether to replace it or see how the patient responds without them." he posed.

Calvin nodded. "Seems like the safe and appropriate move in this instance."

"You can join us in the operating theater, though I'd request to limit non-Ts'usugi in that room to just yourself. I have two nurses with generous surgical experience, though no actual Life to Line experience. If further assistance is needed, we do have a Medical Drone on standby, though personally I'd prefer the living tend to the living." he paused for a moment. "If it means saving her pain, though, I'll activate it."

"Most of my staff are patients, so it'll definitely just be me," He replied, a subtle sour hint in his voice. "I'll leave that decision in your hands. I'm ready whenever you want to get started."

Jeng seemed relieved that he wouldn't need to call in a drone. "Let's leave it in our hands then." as he prepared to enter the sick bay ward currently housing Mica.


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