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Heavens Fall

Posted on Fri Sep 11th, 2020 @ 2:47pm by Captain Abigail Laurens & Commander Ichiko Gail & Lieutenant Bianca Lee & Warrant Officer Callisi Veera

Mission: Into The Delta Triangle
Location: Kessik III

It was only once they were well clear of Scekvin's offices that Carissa holstered her phaser and instead pulled out a tricorder, scanning one of the charred commbadges in her hand. "Crystalline composite of silicon, beryllium, carbon 70 and gold," she said quietly, turning it over in her hand to study the back of it. "Starfleet Security number KI-841-0073 DRL. I'd need to check but I'm pretty sure that's Lieutenant Alani's security number, it's definitely a Starfleet commbadge..."

Ichiko thought about the question for just a moment...

Alani, Farizah
Female Bolian. Age 33
Birthplace Bolarus IX
PID 7633491-Delta-44
SSID KI-841-0073 DRL
Friendly smile. Passing in a hallway. Gentle blue skin. Very helpful during the exchange of the adrift Ts'usugi craft, the ICS Zenith

"That's the number that I read on her file. Unless they changed it without notifying me." Ichiko answered. As much as her neural condition was a curse to her, it had its practical uses.

"Though..." Carissa started to speak again but she paused, biting down on her bottom lip. "Where's the other commbadge they gave us?"

Taking the second badge as it was handed to her, Carissa turned it over in her hand and examined the back of it. "Same crystalline composite of silicon, beryllium, carbon 70 and gold," she said, scanning it with the tricorder before turning it over, running her thumb along the back, clearing away some charred matter. "RY-850-3147 KWH." She glanced across at Ichiko. "I'm certain that that's Shaille's.... These are our team's commbadges," she said quietly, "But Commander, I don't think our team was wearing them. There is trace amounts of residual DNA on the commbadges from the explosion. I mean, if we were on the ship I'm sure medical and science would be able to extract the DNA and confirm with absolute certainty, but I'm almost positive that our team wasn't there." Scanning the first commbadge again, Carissa handed the tricorder to Ichiko. "I can't tell you with certainty who's DNA is on this commbage, but I can tell you that Lieutenant Alani isn't human."

Ichiko refused the tricoder. "I can't tell for certain either, but whoever it is probably never met a Bolian before." she paused. "Bolian blood turns blue in contact with open air." she smirked.

As soon as they'd left the office, Darryl had let the others keep an eye around and buried his face in the PADD they'd been given with the security footage, only absently looking where he was going while following them. The second time through he was shaking his head, "What are these guys, from the twentieth century? Ma'am, For someone not paying close attention, sure, this could be legit, especially with what they're using, but I'm seeing inconsistencies."

He looked up and tapped a few places on the screen, "I'm looking at a split screen here, two different security cameras looking at the same location. This one here shows what is being purported as our people. Civilian clothes, not miners gear like most of them, but they're moving as if in a confined area, not a street or mine entrance like they're supposedly doing, see the weave as if avoiding a table or something?" Darryl shook his head, "Add in that on this screen, they're wearing hoods to shield their faces and slightly spread out, but in the original over here, they aren't."

"Commander I don't think our team were in the facility at all," Carissa said quietly, deliberately keeping her voice low as they walked. "So if they weren't in the facility, where are they?"

"An ancient master of war back home once said that..."

Tzin Cho, son of Tzin Fhu. Quoted in Scriptures of War. Book Seven. Chapter Four. Page two ninety one. Paragraph six.
Third Day. Primary school. It's raining. I'm twelve years old. The class is quiet. We want to hurry home before it gets too muddy.

Mud. I'm ten years old. I'm wearing a striped shirt blue pants. It was third season. The shirt is new, and I love wearing it. One of the neighbor's children, Tomiko, throws mud at me. Everyone else laughed. I ran home, told my mother. It would take four washes to remove the stain.

"... if you have searched everywhere you can look for your quarry, you must look where your eyes cannot see. Contact Callisi in the shuttle, and contact the Astraea directly. We have sensor scans of just about everywhere on the colony, let's see where our sensors can't see." she recommended, a little ashamed to have gotten lost in her memory for even just a moment.

Carissa nodded slightly. "It'll be easier to walk back to the shuttle, it shouldn't take long," she said quietly. "C'mon Darryl, we can upload the security footage they gave us as well. Permission to leave Commander?" she asked, pocketing Shaille's commbadge.

"Granted. Go about your investigation how you see fit, though the heavens may fall." Ichiko replied with a nod towards Carissa. Always a scripture or a poem to recall when speaking with a Ts'usugi.


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