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Posted on Sun Jun 28th, 2020 @ 7:13pm by Lieutenant JG Haru Hernandez

Mission: Into The Delta Triangle
Location: USS Astraea | Haru's Quarters


Kaito sat in his chair staring at the medium sized crate that had been delivered to him by a crewman from OPS. On top was a PaDD that held a letter from an Admiral that he’d, frankly, never heard of. He’d read it several times over.

Dear Lieutenant Hernandez,

I am Admiral Yamato Takashi. Your grandmother was a friend of our family’s and she has asked me to keep something safe for you. When she got ill she was not certain that she would recover given that she was well over 100 years old.

I honestly do not know what is in there but she said it was her very soul, for what that’s worth. She also said that within is a letter that was hand written to you.

She knew you would be mad that the land was ordered sold as was her house and that she’d made your mother her executer but she said that her greatest possessions are now in that crate for you.

She also spoke often of you and she never failed to mention how proud she was of you and your life. My family and I grieve with you and are deeply sorry for your loss.

I understand that you are now on a new ship and I wish you all the best during your journey on the command track. I will keep my eye on your file. If you need anything do not hesitate to contact me.


Admiral Yamato Takashi

He’d committed the letter to memory but he hadn’t worked up the courage to open the box and to see what was within.

Sighing he decided to try and get his mind off of things. He hadn’t slept well since all this happened and he needed to exhaust himself.

The question was, what could he do? Then it came to him; the only thing that had worked in the past.

Changing into his workout gear he headed to the gym. Particularly he wanted to cycle. The stationary cycle often helped clear his head. He could spend hours on it.

The funny thing about it all was that in actuality he didn’t know how to ride a bike, he’d never really learned. The stationary one was all he dared attempt.

=/\=The Gym=/\=

Kaito arrived to find a blissfully empty gym. He set his water bottle on its stand between the handle bars. He wouldn’t worry about the warm up. All he wanted to do was pedal and get his mind out of the hole it was in and into the work that awaited him. He had started on his path of meeting people, getting official meetings out of the way and soon he would be working at his post. He was looking forward to that day. It would distract him from a lot of things.

The year, thus far, had been disgustingly hard.

He had been assigned to a new ship. Just weeks into his assignment he’d met the person of his dreams. He’d just started thinking about a relationship, had met that special someone only to have that person die on an away team, one that he was leading.

Then the call had come weeks later that his sister had been injured and his mother was unable to care for her or to be reached. He’d rushed back to Earth and had taken his sister to their grandmother’s house (the mother of their father) and then she too had gotten ill. He’d taken care of both and just as his mother had arrived from her posting his sister had recovered and his beloved grandmother had died leaving a hole in his life.

His mother, never a fan of the woman, had tried to down play it all and he’d fought with her. She’d sold everything his grandmother had and all that without consulting him. The worst of it was that his sister had agreed with their mother and he’d just shrunk into himself. He loved both his mother and his sister but this one action had torn him. And perhaps that is why he couldn’t bring himself to open those birthday gifts that his family had gotten him. He convinced himself that it was because he’d save them until he needed the most boosting but really it was his anger towards them that had kept him from opening it.

He’d gone to Soral’s wedding to clear his mind and selfishly he’d asked his friends to come and spend time with him so he could get through the funeral. Then he’d been assigned right away to a new ship.

The more his mind went there the faster he peddled. He had one more clearance to get through. Normally he ran from counsellors when he didn’t need them but this time he really needed to speak with someone.

Minutes turned into hours and soon he stepped off the bike only to feel his legs, like gelatine, give way. It took several minutes for him to get himself sorted and to his quarters.

There he showered, changed, ate, and collapsed on the sofa picking up his one bit of escape, a book that would let him drown out the confusion of reality if for a little while.



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