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Better The Devil You Know

Posted on Tue Jan 7th, 2020 @ 3:53pm by Lieutenant JG Shaille Levine & Warrant Officer Koh Ottasu

Mission: Dead Moon
Location: Personal Quarters

Shaille walked into her quarter, shrugging off her jacket and tossing it on the floor before peeling off a boot and throwing it directly at the nearest bulkhead, the second boot following moments later, both emitting a resounding thunk before falling to the floor. Storming through their small quarters, she yanked open a door to a cabinet in the small kitchen and pulled out a bottle. Uncapping it, she replicated herself a glass full of ice and and filled it three quarters full of the dark amber liquid before taking a sip, cursing again and carrying both the glass and the bottle into the living area, dropping cross legged onto the couch before setting the bottle on a side table and taking another sip, completely oblivious to everything around her.

And through it all was Koh, merely an observer to events above and far beyond his control. A visitor to a world beyond his comprehension, events unfolding that threatened to strain the mind to its breaking point. His only mercy in the ordeal was that he was not privileged to the entirety of the information about it, for such a burden of knowledge would surely shatter his feeble mind.

"Now..." he found his voice, "... I may be off my game, but *something* seems to be the matter." he took a stab in the dark. His keen instincts let him know when trouble was about, but his ears were perked for any answer, or any sign that he should retreat. The female of the species was definitely the more dangerous. Best to wipe that smirk off your face, Koh.

Nahhh, leave it.

Casting a chagrined glance his way, Shaille rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to the deep amber liquid in her glass. "Thank you Captain Obvious," she shot back before taking a sip. "What outstanding powers of reasoning and deduction did you use to determine that?"

"Captain? I'm only a Lieutenant thank you." he offered with a smirk, "And as for outstanding deduction? Nothing of the sort." he looked around, conspiratorially, before turning back to her, "Children of Ts'usu are potent telepaths." his ears twitched, then drooped forward slightly. "I sense.... skepticism. I'll prove it." and his ears perked back up, "You're thinking... I'm ridiculous, but you want cuddles and ice cream regardless." he smirked, then relaxed his posture.

"Seriously, what can I do to help?"

"I've been relieved of duty pending a psychiatric evaluation," Shaille replied darkly, the tone of her voice making her already obvious displeasure even more apparent. "I'm not sure Ice-Cream and Whiskey will go together, but I'll definitely take the cuddles," she looked up at him hopefully, a mix of emotions on her face.

He gave a nod, and took up a spot next to her, turning so she could lean back against him. "Well, if anyone ever did put them together, I'm certain it would have been a human who did it first." he offered, letting her lean against him. "Psychiatric evaluation? Well... I..." he paused, "Ever since the whole event with those... whatever-they-were on the ship, I've made a few appointments with the ship's counselor. I don't know how much it's helped, but it's certainly been an interesting experience."

"But don't you worry about that. Not here. Not with just us."

Leaning into him, Shaille sighed at the feel of his arm around her shoulder, pulling her in closer. "She got a bee in her bonnet because I was in security and I wasn't in full uniform. I may have been a little mouthy, but she started it," Shaille complained. "Now I'm off duty and she's preening around Security like she's all that and then some."

"Preposterous. You expect me to believe that any of that describes you?" Koh teased a bit, but leaned his head in next to her's so she could actually feel his smile. "Though, to actually help the situation, the ship second is a Daughter of Ts'usu. They recognize pomp and preen when they see it. She'll know who ACTUALLY does the work and who just takes credit. Ambition travels faster than valor, they say."

"Though, I'm hoping that's just a quirk of the language, and that there actually wasn't an actual Bee in there?" he asked. "I hear they sting, and that their sting can be lethal if you're not careful."

"Unfortunately, yes, it's just an expression," Shaille grimaced, taking a sip of her drink. "Though if there were a real bee, I would have hoped it stung her. Just to make me feel better." She sighed, leaning away just long enough to set her glass down on the side table before leaning back into him, enjoying the warmth of him against her. "I heard we got a new counselor, he came on with her though didn't he? So he's probably one of hers." She screwed up her face. "Knowing my luck, he'll remove me from duty completely and not just temporarily."

"So, what you're saying is I should keep an eye on him, on both of them, and be careful that I don't wind up compromised." he summarized, snuggling up to her just a little more. "Now, you listen here. If he treats you unfairly, or you think he's got her interests in heart over your's, you let me know." he had a smirk. He knew she didn't need protecting, but he figured she needed to know she had someone in her corner.

"And if he DOES do something crazy like remove you from duty, request a transfer out of that department. Go to operations, and make sure their command codes expire early." he offered, in something approaching a helpful fashion.

Shaille smiled, turning in toward him, her fingertips running down the side of his face before she leaned up, brushing a soft kiss across the corner of his mouth. "Thank you for making me feel better," she said with a soft smile. "You always make me feel better."

Koh responded to the soft kiss by gently resting his head against hers. His soft fur resting against her, while his ears drooped slightly, relaxed. "Taking your troubles from you is my privilege." he said softly, nuzzling against her head ever so softly. He took her free hand in his, gently holding her close to him.

A smile played on her lips as she closed her eyes. "Computer, lower lights by sixty percent," she gave the order quietly as her thumb brushed over his soft fur. "I love you Koh Otassu," she finally whispered softly as the lights dimmed.

Even in the dimmest of light, she felt his smile at her words, "And I love you, Shaille Levine." and he even managed to pronounce it right this time.


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