
Let The Panic Begin

Posted on Fri Sep 27th, 2024 @ 9:59pm by Captain Abigail Laurens & Commander Ichiko Gail

Mission: Let The Games Begin
Location: Captain's Ready Room

Abigail sat on the floor between the sofa and the coffee table, an array of PaDD's spread across the surface in front of her, one largely untouched mug of Chai teetering precariously close to the edge.

Though she heard the doors to her ready room open, she didn't look up. There was no need. She knew exactly who it was that was entering. Even if she hadn't made the summons herself, the distinctive footfalls of the rabittess would have alerted her to the presence of her friend and her first officer.

"Unless we clear all crew from deck seventeen, I don't know how we're able to fit both teams and their various supports in on the same deck and I dare not put them on different decks in case that inadvertently offends someone."

There was a sigh as she leaned forward, dropped the PaDD she had held in her hand, the mug of Chai edging ever closer.

"We can house all the reporters and media on deck twenty, that should be easy enough, and of course we have VIP quarters for dignitaries as needed..."

Another sigh that rolled into a groan. "We're going to have to source fresh supplies," she finally looked up at Ichiko with eyes wide. "We can't serve them replicated food!"

Ichiko let the Captain go through the motions. Panic, worry, fear, and back to panic. "Abigail, breath." she started, "You're going to drop your tea."

That out of the way, Ichiko knelt down to be on eye level with her friend. "We certainly can. We have fabricators too. We eat that food all the time." she said, softly, comforting her friend. "All the struggles we go through now to house our guests and provide their safety, we need not grow crops to bake them bread." she assured. "If you want to impress a Child of Ts'usu, meat is the way. We harvest fish, but land is reserved for the Children of Ts'usu and their needs. Land beef was a commodity for the wealthy. Until the fabricator allowed for anyone to have anything."

"They will refuse new food stock closer to the match, out of sheer familiarity. Before then, we can introduce them to our fare."

Reaching across, Abigail nudged the mug back onto the table, ignoring the contents as she looked back at the array of PaDD's in front of her. "Were we insane for thinking this was a good idea?" she asked, looking across at her friend. "I mean, our track record with diplomatic relations in the Delta Quadrant hasn't exactly been outstanding, has it..." she commented as she thought back to their initial encounters with the Dalacari and their subsequent arrest.

"If you think another rogue planet is going to just *appear* in our space again..." Ichiko shot her a glance. "And no, we are not insane for saying yes to this. It had to be us." she offered. "I mean, you were called by name." the rabbtitess teased.

"As for our record, yes, we were technically arrested by the Dalacari and put up in their finest four-star prison." a giggle. "And they did let us go, with an apology. A *signed* apology."

Abigail laughed softly. "Intergalactic planetary smuggling," she shook her head. "That has to be a Starfleet first... if not an intergalactic first." The moment of reflection was broken by another sigh. "We aren't expecting spectators... are we?"

"No, we are not expecting spectators, and my people aren't fond of surprises of that magnitude. I've already explained to them that the footage taken while on board the Astraea must be cleared before it is seen. The same imposition they'd impose on us to maintain Ts'usu's sanctity, we can ask of them for ours." she reassured Abigail. "So don't expect this ship to become the next tourist attraction." she doubly reassured, with a soft smile.

"Well I'll take the blessings where I can get them, no matter how small they may be," Abigail replied quietly. "That's one less thing to have to worry about." She picked up another PaDD, thumbed into it and glanced at the data before setting it down again, clearly not having had enough time to actually read anything. "I just hope everything else goes smoothly."

"You've got this." Ichiko reassured, "And you have me, and together there's nothing we cannot accomplish." she paused for a moment, to let that sit. "But for now, grieve. Recover. I..." she paused again, this time not out of respect, but of a different gravity, "I... I hate how jealous I am of you right now. Do the one thing I can't..."

"Move on."

Ts'usugi eyes didn't shine. Ichiko's did right now.

For a moment Abigail looked at Ichiko as the weight of her simple words sunk in. In a flash she was on her feet and wrapped her arms around her friend. "There are some things that even my mind will never forget," she said softly.

Ichiko paused for a moment. The hug, the embrace, the... everything. It was a shock, but rather then tense up in confusion she found herself relaxed, the tension softening, shared between two friends. The rabbitess' ears gently relaxed, drooping slightly as she took a deep breath. "I won't forget this." She stated, softly, a whisper meant only for them.

Pulling away, Abigail offered a smile and dashed her hand quickly across her eyes. "Right, so... bunny invasion... right?"

Ichiko couldn't help but smile, wiping some dust from her eyes as well. "Yes, of course. You've seen through the ruse, Captain." a pause, though the smile remained. "I guess that's why you're the badass."


