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Just a few more hours

Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2019 @ 6:59pm by Captain Abigail Laurens

Mission: Getting To Know You
Location: Bridge

The view screen had been activated and through it one could see the hive of activity around Starbase 357, a startling contrast to the stone silence and darkness on the bridge of the Astraea. Abigail sat in the center chair, the command chair, her chair, her feet tucked up under her as she leaned back against the backrest, her hands wrapped around a mug that may have once upon a time been warm, but now was more just a source of comfort.

While she may have occupied the center chair, there was nothing about Abigail's appearance that screamed command. Her boots had been removed, along with her jacket and her hair had been unbraided, tumbling messily past her shoulders. She was winding down and enjoying the solitude of the ship before the chaos began.

The crew was onboard and checked in, the ship had been refitted and checked and their orders had finally come down. Their departure had been scheduled for the morning, zero nine hundred hours. Everyone had been given their one last night of freedom before the real work began, yet Abigail had no desire to return to the starbase, instead opting to spend quiet time sitting on the bridge, just enjoying the silence.

Holding her mug against her lips, she blew gently over the liquid within, even though it was no longer hot, as she watched the hive of activity on the view screen. Ships coming and going, shuttles landing, a freighter lingering nearby, probably waiting for permission to dock. The ship docked next to them had what appeared to be a team of engineers in EV suits repairing the hull of the vessel.

She shuddered momentarily as she watched them, relieved yet again that she had never gone into Engineering. As pretty and soothing as she found the warp core, she loathed EV suits to the point that she actively avoided them where ever possible and the thought of being out in open space like that, with just one tether... she shuddered again and sipped her luke warm latte, tearing her gaze away from the repair team and instead turning to inside her own bridge, glancing at the unmanned consoles around her.

It would be just a few more hours and people would start their first active duty shifts. With a smile, she stood up from the seat and padded quietly to the replicator in her ready room, recycling the mug before returning to the command chair, picking up her boots and her jacket, holding them in her arms as she cast one more lingering look at the view screen before glancing quickly around the bridge, a smile dancing across her lips as she turned on her heel and headed toward the turbolift.

Just a few more hours and Astraea's first adventure would begin.


Commander Abigail Laurens
Commanding Officer
USS Astraea


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